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DH Ranch envisions a future where culture, language, truth, and reconciliation, healing, and relationships are central to our community's values and practices. We believe that by working together, we can create a just and equitable society that values diversity and promotes the well-being of all individuals.


Team Building

At Dodginghorse Ranch, we strive to bring people together through unique, culturally-inspired experiences that foster a deeper understanding of truth and reconciliation. Our Spirit of the Horse activities provide an immersive and interactive way to explore Indigenous culture, while our Diversity awareness education helps broaden perspectives and encourage open-mindedness. Our special day brings it all together for a truly unforgettable experience.
*Minimum of 12 people in a group.


12-18 People $8,650

19-30 People $10,812

31-50 People $13,515
Catering will be an additional charge. 

Students and Educators (-20%)

Clients: TC Energy, GIBBS Gage Architects, Esso, CADA, James Smith Cree Nation, CBE Schools, Rocky View Schools, Calgary Girls Fire Hockey U18AA, Red Deer Chiefs U18AAA, ALSTAR, Grey Eagle Casino, Fox Lake, Zagime Nation, Fishing Lake First Nation, Tsuut'ina Board of Education, Ambrose University Education

Youth Empowerment

"Classroom in the Dirt"

Welcome to our Classroom in the Dirt Youth Empowerment program at DH Ranch, where nature's embrace becomes medicine for the spirit, and every moment is infused with the transformative power of empowerment. Surrounded by the presence of horses, participants embark on a journey of self-discovery and cultural immersion. Through relay racing, horsemanship, and rodeo events, our children build not only skills but also self-esteem and confidence. Laughter and fun reverberate through our calm and safe space, as meaningful relationships and connections with the land and each other deepen. Guided by our dedicated team of facilitators, each interaction is an opportunity for growth, while Tsuut'ina Gunaha language development adds another layer of cultural richness. In this sanctuary of horse-assisted learning, every child finds their voice and their place. We will not turn any child away. Together, we journey toward empowerment, hand in hand, one hoofprint at a time.  This program is free.

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Trail Ride

Embark on a transformative journey through beauty of DH Ranch on our immersive trail ride experience. As you mount our gentle horses and set off where the hoofbeats echo the heartbeat of the land. You'll feel the healing power of nature enveloping your spirit.   Over the course of 3 hours, our knowledgeable facilitators will lead you along winding trails and creeks. Along the way, immerse yourself in indigenous lessons and cultural insights, learning about the rich traditions and heritage of the Tsuut'ina people. As you ride, you'll feel a deep connection to the land and its inhabitants, gaining a newfound appreciation between humans, animals, and nature. Let the wisdom of the indigenous teachings  guide you towards a deeper understanding of the world around you. This trail ride at DH Ranch is more than just a journey through stunning scenery; it's an experience that will leave you forever changed.  Refreshments and snacks are available. 

Prices: $450 /Person

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